Wednesday, 13 July 2011
shiva yoga
The shiva yoga is formed in natal chart when lord of 5'th house is present in 9'th house, lord of 9'th house present in 10th house and the lord of 10'th house should be present in 5'th house. The above 3 combinations should be present, in formation of shiva yoga. The mutual relationship of the lords of 5'th, 9'th, and 10'th must be considered for the strength of this yoga. The native will be trader, conqueror of enemies, commander of armies, will possess divine knowledge and will lead a virtuous life.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Sampoorna Chandra Grahanam
Sampoorna chandra Grahanam is occurring on June 15', 2011. This Grahanam is occuring in Jyesta Masa Pournima day with Rahu Grastha chandra grahanam from 11.33pm 15-6-2011 till 3.33am 16-6-2011, the duration of grahanam is for 3 hours 40 minutes. The chandra grahanam is occuring in Jyesta nakshtra 4-pada (vrichika raasi) and extending to Moola nakshtra 1-pada (dhanur raasi).the vedha for Moon is begininging from 2.53 pm on June 15', 2011. The grahanam is visible throughout India, Central Asia, Western Asia, South America, Europe, Australia, Western Africa. It is advisible not to eat food during grahanam period.
Grahanam shanti is to be performed and grahana darshana should be avoided by Jyesta nakshtra , Moola nakshtra, Vrichika raasi, Dhanur raasi on 16-6-20ll.
Grahanam shanti is to be performed and grahana darshana should be avoided by Jyesta nakshtra , Moola nakshtra, Vrichika raasi, Dhanur raasi on 16-6-20ll.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Brahma yoga
Bramha yoga is considered as a auspicious one. It occurs in the natal chart, if guru and sukra are placed in kendras respectively either from the lords of the lagna, 9th and 11th.
The native with bramha yoga will be highly learned, respected by brahmins, will enjoy luxurious food, long lived, gain knowledge from vedas, faith in god, possess a pious heart, charitable in nature.
This yoga does not work for certain lagnas like mesha rasi, as 9th lord is guru and guru's disposition to kendra from 9th cannot occur. For karkataka lagna, the 9th and 11th lords are guru and venus, so this yoga is not feasible.Lagna is kanya and dhanus lagna the yoga cannot be full, because in regard to kanya. Budha becomes lord of the 10th while in regard to dhanus, budha and sukra become lords of the 10th and 11th and the placement of sukra and budha respectively in kendras from the lords of the 11th and 10th is not possible. when dhanus is concerned, in the place of the 10th lord, lord of Lagna may be considered. Bramha yoga is present for all lagnas except for mesha, karkataka and kanya lagnas.
The native with bramha yoga will be highly learned, respected by brahmins, will enjoy luxurious food, long lived, gain knowledge from vedas, faith in god, possess a pious heart, charitable in nature.
This yoga does not work for certain lagnas like mesha rasi, as 9th lord is guru and guru's disposition to kendra from 9th cannot occur. For karkataka lagna, the 9th and 11th lords are guru and venus, so this yoga is not feasible.Lagna is kanya and dhanus lagna the yoga cannot be full, because in regard to kanya. Budha becomes lord of the 10th while in regard to dhanus, budha and sukra become lords of the 10th and 11th and the placement of sukra and budha respectively in kendras from the lords of the 11th and 10th is not possible. when dhanus is concerned, in the place of the 10th lord, lord of Lagna may be considered. Bramha yoga is present for all lagnas except for mesha, karkataka and kanya lagnas.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Guru's transit to Mesha rasi
Guru transits from meena rasi to mesha rasi on May 8th 2011 on the auspisious month of vaishaka sukla panchamai day and stays there till May 17th 2012. Guru will be retrograde from August 30 till December 26th 2011. Guru will be combust from 29-4-2012 till 28-5-12. As Guru moves to Mesha rasi(the first sign) , the river Ganga pushkara begins. According to vedic astrology gurubala is essential for performing any auspisious events like setting up of business, housewarming, employment, children, education, knowledge, marraige, wealth etc. Guru's direction is northeast, yellow sapphire is the stone, yellow color and yellow cloth is auspisious. Guru is considered beneficial if its placed in karkataka (exaltationhouse), dhanur and meena rasi. Gurus friends are surya, chandra, kuja.
The guru's transit is favourable if it transits your 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th from your natal moon (chandra rasi). Guru's transit in mesha rasi is favourable for mithuna, simha, thula, dhanur and meena rasi's. Guru is aspecting simha, thula and dhanur rasi's during mesha rasi transit.
If guru's transit is not favourable, then the native can perform nakshatra archana on thursday for lord Dakshina murthy or lord Narayana, can perform homa and can also fast on thursday. When guru is combusted, it is inauspicious for all rasi's.
The guru's transit is favourable if it transits your 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th from your natal moon (chandra rasi). Guru's transit in mesha rasi is favourable for mithuna, simha, thula, dhanur and meena rasi's. Guru is aspecting simha, thula and dhanur rasi's during mesha rasi transit.
If guru's transit is not favourable, then the native can perform nakshatra archana on thursday for lord Dakshina murthy or lord Narayana, can perform homa and can also fast on thursday. When guru is combusted, it is inauspicious for all rasi's.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Yogas formed from the Moon
Sunapha yoga:
If there are planets other than the Sun, placed in 2nd house from the Moon, Sunapha yoga is formed. The native with this yoga is bestowed with wealth, intellegence and good reputation.
Anapha yoga:
If there are planets placed in the 12th house from the Moon, except the Sun then Anapha yoga is formed.
The native with this yoga is bestowed with beauty, wealth, success and good reputation. The benefics give auspicious results and viceversa.
Durdhara yoga:
If there are planets placed in both 2nd and 12th house from the Moon, (except the Sun) Durdhara yoga is formed. The benefics placed bestow auspicious results and malefics placed give bad results. The native with this yoga is bestowed with beauty, wealth, conveyances, success and good reputation.
Kemadruma yoga:
If there are no planets on either side of the Moon, then Kemadruma yoga is formed. The native with this yoga will be poor, dependant, dirty.
ChandraMangal yoga:
The conjunction of the Moon and the Mangal(Mars) forms the ChandraMangal yoga. The native with this yoga will be wealthy and harsh.
Gajakesari yoga:
The jupiter is in kendra from the Moon, Gajakesari yoga is formed. The native with this yoga will be wealthy, polite with everlasting reputation.
If there are planets other than the Sun, placed in 2nd house from the Moon, Sunapha yoga is formed. The native with this yoga is bestowed with wealth, intellegence and good reputation.
Anapha yoga:
If there are planets placed in the 12th house from the Moon, except the Sun then Anapha yoga is formed.
The native with this yoga is bestowed with beauty, wealth, success and good reputation. The benefics give auspicious results and viceversa.
Durdhara yoga:
If there are planets placed in both 2nd and 12th house from the Moon, (except the Sun) Durdhara yoga is formed. The benefics placed bestow auspicious results and malefics placed give bad results. The native with this yoga is bestowed with beauty, wealth, conveyances, success and good reputation.
Kemadruma yoga:
If there are no planets on either side of the Moon, then Kemadruma yoga is formed. The native with this yoga will be poor, dependant, dirty.
ChandraMangal yoga:
The conjunction of the Moon and the Mangal(Mars) forms the ChandraMangal yoga. The native with this yoga will be wealthy and harsh.
Gajakesari yoga:
The jupiter is in kendra from the Moon, Gajakesari yoga is formed. The native with this yoga will be wealthy, polite with everlasting reputation.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Ashtakavarga is a unique and accurate method used for predictions through transits, in vedic astrology taught by "Sage Parasara". Ashta means eight and varga means division/group. Ashtakavarga uses 7 planets(sun,moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn) and lagna for its calculations and chaaya graha rahu and ketu are omitted. In ashtakavarga calculation each rasi is divided into 8 parts or division. Each division has a span of 3:45'. The 1st division of each rasi is ruled by saturn, the 2nd division of each rasi is ruled by jupiter, the 3rd division of each rasi is ruled by mars, the 4th division of each rasi is ruled by sun, the 5th division of each rasi is ruled by venus, the 6th division of each rasi is ruled by mercury, the 7th division of each rasi is ruled by moon, the 8th division of each rasi is ruled by the lagna.
Gochara is just 1/8 of ashtakavarga, thus ashtakavarga predictions are more accurate as it calculates the strength of a planet from every planet and lagna, but not just from moon. If a transiting planet has high points in ashtakavarga and has a weak / bad placement of house from gochara, the native is bestowed with auspicious results according to ashtakavarga points.
List of points for auspicious and inauspicious results in ashtakavarga charts.
In ashtakavarga of moon, if strong moon scores highest points, then the native will possess a strong mind and will be well known for that.
In ashtakavarga of mars, if strong mars scores highest points, then the native will be a great leader, commander or ceo.
In ashtakavarga of mercury, if strong mercury scores highest points, then the native will be well known orator and writer who possess excellent communication skills.
In ashtakavarga of jupiter, if strong jupiter scores highest points, then the native will be well known consultant, teacher, professor, guru, master.
In ashtakavarga of venus, if strong venus scores highest points, then the native will possess vehicles, palaces and always surrounded by beautiful things / objects.
In ashtakavarga of saturn, if strong saturn scores highest points, then the native will lead / head mass of people, an industrialist or own huge acres of lands.
If 1st house or lagna has has highest points , then the native will be independent and successful or viceversa.
If the 12th house has least points, it is considered to be good as it is the house of profit and losses.
If the 10th house has equal or more points than 9th house and 11th house should possess more points than 10th and 12th house should have lower points than 11th, then financial prosperity and growth is considered.
Gochara is just 1/8 of ashtakavarga, thus ashtakavarga predictions are more accurate as it calculates the strength of a planet from every planet and lagna, but not just from moon. If a transiting planet has high points in ashtakavarga and has a weak / bad placement of house from gochara, the native is bestowed with auspicious results according to ashtakavarga points.
List of points for auspicious and inauspicious results in ashtakavarga charts.
- Inauspicious or bad if a planet scores 0,1,2,3 points.
- Average or mixed results are expected if a planet scores 4 points.
- Auspicious or good results are expected if a planet scores 5,6,7,8 points.
In ashtakavarga of moon, if strong moon scores highest points, then the native will possess a strong mind and will be well known for that.
In ashtakavarga of mars, if strong mars scores highest points, then the native will be a great leader, commander or ceo.
In ashtakavarga of mercury, if strong mercury scores highest points, then the native will be well known orator and writer who possess excellent communication skills.
In ashtakavarga of jupiter, if strong jupiter scores highest points, then the native will be well known consultant, teacher, professor, guru, master.
In ashtakavarga of venus, if strong venus scores highest points, then the native will possess vehicles, palaces and always surrounded by beautiful things / objects.
In ashtakavarga of saturn, if strong saturn scores highest points, then the native will lead / head mass of people, an industrialist or own huge acres of lands.
If 1st house or lagna has has highest points , then the native will be independent and successful or viceversa.
If the 12th house has least points, it is considered to be good as it is the house of profit and losses.
If the 10th house has equal or more points than 9th house and 11th house should possess more points than 10th and 12th house should have lower points than 11th, then financial prosperity and growth is considered.
Monday, 18 April 2011
GajaKesari Yoga
Gaja means Elephant and Kesari means Lion, so it goes by the name GajaKesari yoga.This yoga is formed when Jupiter and Moon are in kendras (1,4,7,10) from each other. Either of these two planets is in exaltation, the auspiciousness of the yoga increases.
In the classic texts, like SageMantreshwars's Phaladeepika, the Gajakesari yoga is praised.
"A person with this yoga will destroy his enemies like a lion, will address assembly with wisdom in a noble and intellectual manner. The native will be passionate and emotional in his behaviour, will enjoy long life, will attain high reputation and will be intelligent.They will acheive everything by their own valour."
Gajakesari yoga is commonly found in 1 in 3 persons charts.The strength of the yoga depends upon the position, aspect and placement of Moon and Jupiter. These planets should not be debilitated and be associated with malefic planets, especially Rahu and Saturn. If Jupiter is retrograde, combusted or debilitated, this yoga would not work. In this case, the native cannot enjoy the benefits of this yoga. If Moon is associated with Rahu and Saturn this yoga does not work. This yoga works good for neechabanga Moon and Jupiter. The yoga shows results during the Mahadasa and Antardasa periods of Jupiter and Moon..
Gajakesari yoga is found in the charts of great persons like Mahatma Gandhi and Kennedy.
In the classic texts, like SageMantreshwars's Phaladeepika, the Gajakesari yoga is praised.
"A person with this yoga will destroy his enemies like a lion, will address assembly with wisdom in a noble and intellectual manner. The native will be passionate and emotional in his behaviour, will enjoy long life, will attain high reputation and will be intelligent.They will acheive everything by their own valour."
Gajakesari yoga is commonly found in 1 in 3 persons charts.The strength of the yoga depends upon the position, aspect and placement of Moon and Jupiter. These planets should not be debilitated and be associated with malefic planets, especially Rahu and Saturn. If Jupiter is retrograde, combusted or debilitated, this yoga would not work. In this case, the native cannot enjoy the benefits of this yoga. If Moon is associated with Rahu and Saturn this yoga does not work. This yoga works good for neechabanga Moon and Jupiter. The yoga shows results during the Mahadasa and Antardasa periods of Jupiter and Moon..
Gajakesari yoga is found in the charts of great persons like Mahatma Gandhi and Kennedy.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Vedic Astrology: Transit of Saturn from Moon
Vedic Astrology: Transit of Saturn from Moon: "Transit of Saturn through 1st from Moon: The native will be separated from family, friends and relatives, will be wanderer..."
Transit of Saturn from Moon
Transit of Saturn through 1st from Moon:
The native will be separated from family, friends and relatives, will be wanderer in foreign countries or distant regions, will loose all charm and be hateful in appearance, will loose his home, troubled from fire and poison.
Transit of Saturn through 2nd from Moon:
The native's earnings will not be sufficient for their use, will be bereft of good appearance, wealth, happiness.
Transit of Saturn through 3rd from Moon:
The native gets sound health,wealth, servants, attendants, vehicles, conquer their enemies. The native gets success in all activities.
Transit of Saturn through 4th from Moon:
The native will loose his wealth and earnings, health, will be separated from the spouse and other, the mind of the native will be sinful, crooked, wicked and will quarell with all.
Transit of Saturn through 5th from Moon:
The native will loose his children and wealth and will be involved in litigations.
Transit of Saturn through 6th from Moon:
The native will overcome their enemies and diseases successfully.The native will get a better half.
Transit of Saturn through 7th from Moon:
The native will wander away from home and go to distant places, intimacy with female servants.
Transit of Saturn through 8th from Moon:
The native will be without spouse and children, engage in mean activities, misunderstandings with one's own people and will never get help during crisis.
Transit of Saturn through 9th from Moon:
The native will be without spouse and children, engage in mean activities, misunderstandings, drift away from religious duties, liable to suffer from heart disease, imprisonment, enemity will all.
Transit of Saturn through 10th from Moon:
The native will get some work but will loose his health and wealth.
Transit of Saturn through 11th from Moon:
The native becomes aggresive, attracted to others wife/husband, will get wealth, health, fame and authority.
Transit of Saturn through 12th from Moon:
The native will be plunged into series of miseries or the native is liable to suffer from all sorts of miseries.
The native will be separated from family, friends and relatives, will be wanderer in foreign countries or distant regions, will loose all charm and be hateful in appearance, will loose his home, troubled from fire and poison.
Transit of Saturn through 2nd from Moon:
The native's earnings will not be sufficient for their use, will be bereft of good appearance, wealth, happiness.
Transit of Saturn through 3rd from Moon:
The native gets sound health,wealth, servants, attendants, vehicles, conquer their enemies. The native gets success in all activities.
Transit of Saturn through 4th from Moon:
The native will loose his wealth and earnings, health, will be separated from the spouse and other, the mind of the native will be sinful, crooked, wicked and will quarell with all.
Transit of Saturn through 5th from Moon:
The native will loose his children and wealth and will be involved in litigations.
Transit of Saturn through 6th from Moon:
The native will overcome their enemies and diseases successfully.The native will get a better half.
Transit of Saturn through 7th from Moon:
The native will wander away from home and go to distant places, intimacy with female servants.
Transit of Saturn through 8th from Moon:
The native will be without spouse and children, engage in mean activities, misunderstandings with one's own people and will never get help during crisis.
Transit of Saturn through 9th from Moon:
The native will be without spouse and children, engage in mean activities, misunderstandings, drift away from religious duties, liable to suffer from heart disease, imprisonment, enemity will all.
Transit of Saturn through 10th from Moon:
The native will get some work but will loose his health and wealth.
Transit of Saturn through 11th from Moon:
The native becomes aggresive, attracted to others wife/husband, will get wealth, health, fame and authority.
Transit of Saturn through 12th from Moon:
The native will be plunged into series of miseries or the native is liable to suffer from all sorts of miseries.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Prediction of marraige
The Marraige is predicted during a strong dasa with the favourable combination of planets. We predict marraige during the dasa of 2'nd, 7'th, 11'th houses in a horoscope.
1. The planets or a planet placed in 7'th house from Lagna and Chandra.
2. Planet aspecting 7'th house.
3. Placement of 7'th lord.
4. Placement of lord of Lagna and Navamsa lord.
5.Placement of Venus and its lord.
6.Placement of 7th lord in Basic and Navamsa chart.
7. Transit of Guru from moon in 2'nd, 5'th, 7'th, 9'th or 11'th in transit chart.
8.Transit of Sukra or 7'th lord from lagna lord, 5'th, or 9'th placement in their navamsa chart.
1. The planets or a planet placed in 7'th house from Lagna and Chandra.
2. Planet aspecting 7'th house.
3. Placement of 7'th lord.
4. Placement of lord of Lagna and Navamsa lord.
5.Placement of Venus and its lord.
6.Placement of 7th lord in Basic and Navamsa chart.
7. Transit of Guru from moon in 2'nd, 5'th, 7'th, 9'th or 11'th in transit chart.
8.Transit of Sukra or 7'th lord from lagna lord, 5'th, or 9'th placement in their navamsa chart.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Vedic lucky days
The transit of the Sun or the Moon where Jupiter or Venus is located or a house triangular to them, then the day will be lucky.
If the Sun or Moon aspects any beneficial planets, the Sun through a house that's triangular to a house where the Moon is located on the particular day, that day will be auspisious.
During the transit of Jupiter, Venus,Sun or Moon passes over the 1st, 2nd or 10th house in a horoscope on that particular day, it will be good.
If the Sun or Moon aspects the lagna lord, and if the lagna lord is natural benefic then the day is good or viceversa.
If the Sun or Moon aspects any beneficial planets, the Sun through a house that's triangular to a house where the Moon is located on the particular day, that day will be auspisious.
During the transit of Jupiter, Venus,Sun or Moon passes over the 1st, 2nd or 10th house in a horoscope on that particular day, it will be good.
If the Sun or Moon aspects the lagna lord, and if the lagna lord is natural benefic then the day is good or viceversa.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga
Pancha means five and Maha purusha means great men. Pancha Mahapurusha yogas are formed in a horoscope when Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in kendra from Moon or Lagna. These 5 planets should be in their own houses or in the house of their exaltation. The persons with this yoga have unique abilities and stength in their natal charts compared to normal people. This yoga bestows the native with wealth, fame and generous nature. The 5 planets cause Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya, Sasa Yogas, respectively.
1. Ruchaka Yoga : This yoga is formed when Mars is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses
(1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Mars is placed in Aries the mooltrikona sign, Scorpio the own house or Capricorn the exaltation house of Mars. The native with Ruchaka Yoga will get good health, wealth, a higher position in police or defence.
2. Bhadra Yoga : This yoga is formed when Mercury is placed in its own, mooltrikona or exalted house or in Kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Mercury is placed in Gemini or Virgo and in kendra form Mercury. The Bhadra yoga makes a native learned, intelligent, orator, writer. The person will have good proportional limbs with strong body.
3. Hamsa Yoga : This yoga is formed when Jupiter is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses
(1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius the mooltrikona sign, Piscies the own house or Cancer the exaltation house of Jupiter. The native with Hamsa yoga will be beautiful, voice similar to swan, wealthy, religious, possess good longevity, righteous in all deeds.
4. Malavya Yoga : This yoga is formed when Venus is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Venus is placed in Libra the mooltrikona sign, Taurus the own house or Piscies the exaltation house of Venus. The Native with Malavya Yoga will be handsome, well built, wealthy, longevity and will be happy. This yoga bestows the native with loving and supportive partner.
1. Ruchaka Yoga : This yoga is formed when Mars is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses
(1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Mars is placed in Aries the mooltrikona sign, Scorpio the own house or Capricorn the exaltation house of Mars. The native with Ruchaka Yoga will get good health, wealth, a higher position in police or defence.
2. Bhadra Yoga : This yoga is formed when Mercury is placed in its own, mooltrikona or exalted house or in Kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Mercury is placed in Gemini or Virgo and in kendra form Mercury. The Bhadra yoga makes a native learned, intelligent, orator, writer. The person will have good proportional limbs with strong body.
3. Hamsa Yoga : This yoga is formed when Jupiter is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses
(1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius the mooltrikona sign, Piscies the own house or Cancer the exaltation house of Jupiter. The native with Hamsa yoga will be beautiful, voice similar to swan, wealthy, religious, possess good longevity, righteous in all deeds.
4. Malavya Yoga : This yoga is formed when Venus is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Venus is placed in Libra the mooltrikona sign, Taurus the own house or Piscies the exaltation house of Venus. The Native with Malavya Yoga will be handsome, well built, wealthy, longevity and will be happy. This yoga bestows the native with loving and supportive partner.
5. Sasa Yoga : This yoga is formed when Saturn is placed in its own, mooltrikona, or exalted house or in kendra houses
(1, 4, 7, 10) from Lagna or Moon or if Saturn is placed in Aquarius the mooltrikona sign, Capricorn the own house or Libra the exaltation house of Saturn. The native with Sasa yoga will possess wealth, health and will have many servants, be famous, ruler of a place.Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Sahacharya yoga
According to Uttarakalamitra there are many important yogas found in birth charts. So today we'll talk about "Sahacharya yoga". It is a special yoga that appears to be problematic but it is viceverca. By the virtue of this yoga the native will be righteous, virtuous and modest in all respects, loved by all and command respect even from God.
The combinations of sahacharya yoga
The combinations of sahacharya yoga
- The conjunction of 7th and 6th lords.
- The placement of 7th lord in the 6th house.
- The 6th and 7th lords in the 9th house.
- The 6th and 7th lords placed in 12th house.
- The 6th and 7th lords in the same nakshathra.
- The 6th and 7th lords in the same navamsa.
- The 7th lord in an angle aspected by the 12th lord and in the navamsa of 6th lord with the 6th lord itself.
- The Moon as 7th lord in the last navamsa and aspected by the 6th lord.
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