Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Brahma yoga

Bramha yoga is considered as a  auspicious one. It occurs in the natal chart, if guru and sukra are placed in kendras respectively either from the lords of the lagna, 9th and 11th.
   The native with bramha yoga will be highly learned, respected by brahmins, will enjoy luxurious food, long lived, gain knowledge from vedas, faith in god, possess a pious heart, charitable in nature.
   This yoga does not work for certain lagnas like mesha rasi, as 9th lord is guru and guru's disposition to kendra from 9th cannot occur. For karkataka lagna, the 9th and 11th lords are guru and venus, so this yoga is not feasible.Lagna is kanya and dhanus lagna the yoga can­not be full, because in regard to kanya. Budha becomes lord of the 10th while in regard to dhanus, budha and sukra become lords of the 10th and 11th and  the placement of sukra and budha respectively in kendras from the lords of the 11th and 10th is not possible. when dhanus is concerned, in the place of the 10th lord, lord of Lagna may be considered. Bramha yoga is present for all lagnas except for mesha, karkataka and kanya lagnas.

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